You’ve definitely heard of the Pico Laser if you’re searching for skin laser treatments in Singapore. It is frequently promoted as THE all-in-one laser for all of your skin troubles and offers a number of characteristics.

However, to what extent is this true? Is the pico laser only a general anti-aging procedure? Can it address particular issues? Is it truly appropriate for everyone?

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We’ve compiled a list of 5 advantages of the Pico Laser to assist you make an informed decision before undergoing this treatment. Naturally, like with any cosmetic surgery, it’s crucial to speak with your doctor to determine whether the pico laser is right for you.

Pico Laser Treatment: What Is It?

Using laser light to address common skin issues, pico laser therapy is a non-invasive and non-surgical cosmetic technique. It functions by giving your skin incredibly brief energy bursts that breakdown pigmentation and acne scars. Additionally, it makes wrinkles and other skin flaws look better.

Tattoo pigments can also be broken down using a pico laser therapy. It has been discovered that pico laser tattoo removal is typically safe.

Is The Pico Laser Actually Effective?

Pico lasers have shown to be successful. Six weeks after starting nine laser treatments, 70% of participants said they had at least a modest improvement, according to a research.

Furthermore, none of them had any significant adverse effects. There were occasional reports of erythema and edema, but these went away on their own. Thus, pico laser therapy is likewise safe.

How Is Pico Laser Therapy Distinctive From Other Lasers?

Because picosecond energy pulses, which are substantially shorter than the nanosecond pulses used in conventional laser treatments, are employed in pico laser treatment, it differs from other laser therapies.

This shorter pulse length minimizes harm to adjacent tissue while enabling more precise treatment of skin issues. Furthermore, compared to nanosecond laser therapies, pico laser treatment could entail less downtime and a decreased chance of adverse consequences.

Although pico lasers are generally preferred over nano lasers, certain physicians may discover that nano lasers are still useful for particular skin conditions and locations. For therapy, they could also mix the two lasers.

5 Advantages of Pico Laser Therapy

1. A better texture of the skin

The Pico laser stimulates cell regeneration and breaks down underlying skin tissue in order to function. This procedure smoothes out the surface of your skin and makes wrinkles and imperfections look less noticeable.

In addition, pico laser therapy stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which aids in skin restoration.

2. Diminished Pigmentation

By breaking down extra melanin in your skin, a pico laser therapy can help minimize the appearance of pigmentation brought on by age spots, melasma, and sun damage.

The Pico laser treats pigmentation by introducing laser energy directly into the skin. The colors disperse into tiny pieces as a result. The damaged pigments will subsequently be naturally eliminated by the immune system.

3. Reduction of Scars

Stretch marks and surgical scars can both be less noticeable with pico laser therapy. The pulses of the laser:

Go deep into the skin to the layer of scarring.

Inflict heat damage on the layers of damaged skin, causing them to slough and show newly regenerated skin.

The skin is smoother and more evenly toned as a consequence. To totally eliminate your scars, the Pico laser therapy may require several sessions, depending on the depth and severity of your scarring.

4. Non-intrusive and secure

The use of pico laser therapy is a non-invasive and safe process. When compared to conventional lasers, Pico laser treatment results in less skin damage that doesn’t spread to nearby skin regions. As a result, issues like burning and scarring are less common.

5. Short Treatment Times

Pico laser treatments are a quick and simple treatment option that can be done after work or during a lunch break. Typically, they last between 15 and 30 minutes.

The administration of Pico laser is 100 times quicker than typical laser treatments, taking only a trillionth of a second (picosecond). As a result, outcomes happen more quickly.